Dee Peppe’s Gallery
Dee Peppe’s Gallery & Artist Statement

The basis of this work is primarily an exploration of the human experience in the urban environment. My photographic vision has developed through a modernist approach with cubist roots and conceived within the framework of traditional documentary, but without trying to make any social changes or support any specific cause. Hence, these images transcend being documents and offer a stage like narrative presence as part of a larger, coherent story. I see these people as members of a silent, universal, and unending cast of characters.

My interest is in the experience of life and the art that I see within it, and how the two can blend as a subconscious, yet, visual experience. While looking through the viewfinder, I focus on seemingly ordinary people to be recorded during an extraordinary moment. It is an intuitive response in finding photographic form and structure in a human experience. Therefore, my concerns lie in the significance of the event as well as the organization of the photographic frame.
Street Photography:
To create in the street photography genre I spend a lot of time visually investigating and analyzing my surroundings to understand how the human element is significant to the place. By moving around I can investigate how the relationships of the objects to each other can change. I then survey how the people move through the space. I make an observation and visually translate it into photographic forms while predicting what the next moment will hold for the camera. The composition is highly calculated, but the event is only a prediction. Then, in a fraction of a second the latent image lies waiting on the film to be re-discovered through the processing and brought back to life in the photographic print.
All the images, b&w or color, on this web site are by Dee Peppe, unless otherwise noted, and are all for sale. Contact
Dee Peppe’s Gallery from the series Foreign and Familiar.
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