E-Newsletter Archive

Newsletter Coastal Maine Photo Tours Rockland Maine
Clearing Storm, Rockland, Maine

Newsletter Sign-up Link:

Newsletter recipients receive deals not available to others. My goal is to send out 4-6 a year, but I haven’t been able to reach that yet. So, you can be guaranteed that I won’t bombard your inbox. Along with upcoming programs, I do make a point of including quality content in each issue; educational, motivational, fun facts, etc. Please check them out below.

Read past copies of our Newsletter here:

February 2025: Astro Photography Tips and Share the Love Deals

Yoga + Photo Newsletter July 2024: The rewards of mindfulness for the photographer!

December 2023: Why these camera features matter!

Fall 2022: How photography is good for your health.

September 2022: In Observance of Labor Day Let’s Celebrate Photographer Lewis Hine

Mid-Summer 2022: Expand Your Photographic Vision

Spring 2022: Every Day Creativity & Your Digital Workflow

Winter 2020: Creativity & Your Lenses

Spring 2019: Hello Photography Community